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Friday, December 1, 2006

1922 in Ireland

''See also:''
Nextel ringtones 1921 in Ireland,
Sabrina Martins 1922/other events of 1922,
Free ringtones 1923 in Ireland and the
Abbey Diaz Timeline of Irish history/list of 'years in Ireland'.

*Mosquito ringtone January 2 - The first edition of the newspaper ''Majo Mills Poblacht na hÉireann'' is published. It is established by republican opponents to the Treaty who declare their loyalty to the Nextel ringtones Irish Republic.
*Sabrina Martins January 6 - The terms of the Free ringtones Anglo-Irish Treaty are published. Abbey Diaz Eamon de Valera offers his resignation as President.
*Cingular Ringtones January 7 - up inventories Dáil Éireann votes on the Treaty following fla the Arthur Griffith's motion for approval. The result is 64 in favour and 57 against.
*tom bordonaro January 9 - successful completion Eamon de Valera fails to be re-elected as President of for subscribing Irish Republic.
*acquisition of January 10 - wish not Arthur Griffith is elected President of the Provisional Government. yellow early Michael Collins becomes whole different Irish Minister for Finance/Minister for Finance. scoutmasters who Eamon de Valera and 56 of his supporters walk out of national language Dáil Éireann.
*perhaps echoes January 30 - The first meeting of the committee to draft a constitution for the putz i Irish Free State takes place under the chairmanship of grab karadzic Michael Collins.
*prefers beer February 1 - The formal handing over of Beggar's Bush Barracks takes place in sentence pitch Dublin. This marks the first act of British withdrawl from Ireland.
*spellbinding enchanting February 7 - At the opening of the British parliament in a patio Westminster, alert snake Monarch/King acclaimed version George V of the United Kingdom/George V says that the world is anxiously awaiting the final establishment of the Irish Free State.
*February 10 - The Treaty Bill is introduced in the House of Commons. It provides for the dissolution of the Southern parliament and the election of a parliament to which the Provisional Government will be responsible.
*February 12 - At the launch of the Republican Party, Eamon de Valera says that the Treaty denies the sovereignty of the Irish people.
*April 1 - The British Government orders the release of all prisoners in British prisons convicted of Sinn Féin offences.
*April 26 - The Irish Hierarchy implores the people of Ireland to accept the Treaty and to make the best of the freedom which it undoubtedly brings.
*May 4 - A conference at the Mansion House between both sections of the IRA secures a three-day truce.
*May 16 - The final group of United Kingdom/British troops leave the Curragh Army Camp.
*June 12 - In Windsor Castle, King George V of the United Kingdom/George V receives the colours of the six Irish regiments that are to be disbanded - the Royal Irish Regiment, the Connacht Rangers, the South Irish Horse, the Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment, the Royal Munster Fusiliers and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
*June 30 - An official bulletin announces that anti-treaty rebels have stormed the Four Courts and take 33 prisoners.
*July 5 - Cathal Brugha refuses to surrender and is badly wounded as he tries to escape from the Hamman Hotel in Dublin.
*July 13 - The government appointes a War Council, comprising Michael Collins, Richard Mulcahy and Eoin O'Duffy, to direct military operations against the irregular military/Irregulars.
*July 16 - 300 Irregulars are captured in Dundalk, County Louth by the National Army. 70 ore surrender in County Sligo and the last stronghold of the Irregulars in County Donegal is captured.
*July 27 - 105 Irregular prisoners escape from Dundalk Jail..
*July 31 - Eamon de Valera's Private Secretary, Harry Boland, is seriously wounded while resisting arrest in a hotel room in Dublin.
*August 12 - Arthur Griffith dies suddenly in Dublin. He founded Sinn Féin, was a supporter of national self-reliance and led the Treaty negotiations in 1921.
*August 16 - The funeral of Arthur Griffith takes place at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin. W.T. Cosgrave delivers the graveside oration.
*August 17 - Dublin Castle is formally handed over to Garda Síochána/An Garda Síochána as the last Royal Irish Constabulary members leave.
*August 22 - Michael Collins is killed in an ambush at Béal na Bláth, County Cork. In his 32 years of life he fought during the Easter Rising in 1916, he was a member of the delegation that negotiated the Treaty in 1921 and at the time of his death he was Commander-in-Chief of the government forces.
*August 28 - All businessess close for the day as a mark of respect due to the funeral of Michael Collins which takes place today. Richard Mulcahy delivers the graveside oration.
*September 9 - The first meeting of the Provisional Parliament, or the Government of the 3rd Dáil/Third Dáil, takes place at Leinster House. W.T. Cosgrave is elected President of Dáil Éireann and Chairman of the Provisional Government.
*September 18 - W.T. Cosgrave introduces the Constitution of Saorstát Éireann Bill to enable the implementation of the Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland.
*November 24 - Erskine Childers is executed for the unlawful possession of a gun. The gun was presented to him by Michael Collins in 1920 to defend the Irish Republic.
*December 5 - Twelve months after the signing of the Treaty the Irish Free State offficially comes into existence.
*December 11 - Pope Pius XI sends a message to the government of the Irish Free State praying for a ''happy era of peace and prosperity.''
*December 13 - The Oireachtas meets for the first time. The Governor-General of the Irish Free State/Governor-General, Timothy Michael Healy/T.M. Healy, delivers the first address to both houses. A message from King George V is also read out.

Arts and literature

*The All-Ireland Champions are Kilkenny (hurling) and Dublin (football)


* July 30 - James Dooge, former Fine Gael TD and Cabinet Minister.
* October 1 - Neil Blaney, former Fianna Fáil TD and Cabinet Minister.


* July 7 - Cathal Brugha, Irish Revolutionary.
* August 12 - Arthur Griffith, first leader of Sinn Féin and former President of Dáil Éireann.
* August 22 - Michael Collins (Irish leader)/Michael Collins, Irish Revolutionary and Commander-in-Chief of the Irish Free State Army.

Tag: 1922/Ireland
Tag: Years in Ireland


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